Thursday, December 18, 2014




                                                                photo by:Laura

    We always overthink. December is the end of the year, which brings us stress and makes us think of what we actually did??? What are we now??? What changed??? And sometimes, we stress over the fact that we are at the same stage where we were last year too. Thinking that we have done nothing in one year, is like feeling empty in the month where we should be full of love and peace.
    I felt like that too. Meaningless, like I wasted a whole year doing nothing. But after going out for a walk I noticed this tree on the side of the road. I was so surprised. I was sure that in the same exact spot a few years ago, the tall healthy tree was just a small plum one. Now it is way bigger and more beautiful. That’s what made me write this blog. The plum tree. Because it made me realise that nothing can be the same over years. Every year is different and special in it's own way. We are like that too. We change, maybe you can’t see it now, but time will tell you…. 
   You will come to understand that your way of thinking is different, your actions might change and even small things like your favorite food or drink. These are the small changes that may seem so unimportant, but when they come together they form a personality, your personality, so take time to think about these things that complete you as an individual and work on them such that the next year, you will be clear on what you are and what you want to become.
    December is both an amazing and stressful month to all of us, with the work and busy schedule we have, but stop for a moment and thing about your life, where is it?? how is it??? and what’s more important are you happy?? Because at the end of the day that’s what matters………
                                                                                                                     until next time…….

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